Brand Guidelines

The Brand Guidelines provide standards and rules on the implementation of the DAIFUKU logo, corporate colors and other basic elements of the Visual Identity (VI). In addition to Daifuku's products and communications, the DAIFUKU logo and corporate color are the most significant visual symbols that customers and other stakeholders encounter and retain in memory. The DAIFUKU logo is the corporate mark for Daifuku Group companies around the world, and thus the symbol of the whole Daifuku Group. Misrepresentations or misuses of the logo could risk damaging the corporate brand. Display the DAIFUKU logo and other VI elements properly in accordance with these Brand Guidelines.

  • The DAIFUKU logo is a trademark of Daifuku Co., Ltd. It can only be used by authorized companies and organizations.

  • For the DAIFUKU logo and other related data, use the production data or Microsoft 365 data available from the Download Center.
  • When it is not possible to comply with the provisions of these Guidelines due to production conditions or other reasons, contact the Corporate Communications Dept. with the email address at the bottom of the page.


The DAIFUKU logo is to be used to highlight the company of origin on all business communications such as letters, advertisements, and for explicitly identifying products and services under the DAIFUKU brand.


DAIFUKU logo with message

The DAIFUKU logo with message is used for stressing the brand message in business cards, websites, advertisements, catalogs and other media with promotional effects.

  • The typeface of the brand message cannot be changed. In addition, the brand message must not be combined with any element other than the DAIFUKU logo, however, it may be used independently to stress the brand message in advertising expressions or similar items.


Clear space

The DAIFUKU logo must be placed separately from characters, patterns and other elements and have a blank space surrounding it that is the predetermined size or larger to increase its recognizability. Ensure that no characters, patterns or other elements are placed within the minimum required clear space specified herein.

  • When the DAIFUKU logo is displayed on a rectangular plane such as a building sign or exhibition display, it is possible to make the clear space smaller than specified below (0.35H).


Minimum usable size

In principle the DAIFUKU logo may not be used in any size smaller than the specified minimum size to ensure that it is displayed in a clearly visible form.


When displaying the DAIFUKU logo in color, use the corporate color, DAIFUKU Blue.

When displaying a company logotype, address or similar item in color, use the sub corporate color, DAIFUKU Gray.

When displaying the brand message or the message portion of the DAIFUKU logo with message in color, use K80% (R89 G87 B87)​.


Corporate color (DAIFUKU Blue)

Standard color (Munsell value)8.5PB 3.5/12

Approximate colors
Painting colorRAL 290 40 45
PANTONE2367C (coated) 2736U (uncoated)
CMYK (four-color process)C80%+M75%
RGB (video)R81 G72 B157

Sub corporate color(DAIFUKU Gray)

Standard color (Munsell value)N2.5

Approximate colors
Painting colorRAL 000 25 00
PANTONE432C (coated) 432U (uncoated)
CMYK (four-color process)K90%
RGB (video)R26 G26 B26
  • Contact the Corporate Communications Dept. to request a standard color sample (corporate color chip).

For instances where the DAIFUKU logo is used to highlight the company of origin, in principle the color reproduction specified below must be implemented to maintain a uniform image.
For color reproduction of the DAIFUKU logo, change the depth of the background color to produce different effects.  

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.10

When using a non-monochrome background color, make sure that the DAIFUKU logo is clearly recognizable. When the logo is displayed on a white or light-colored surface, use the corporate colors. When the logo is displayed on a dark or intermediate-colored surface, use white.

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.11

Single-color or material color display

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.11

When used as an element of the design

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.12

  • For the DAIFUKU logo and other related data, use the production data or Microsoft 365 data available from the Download Center.

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.13

Company logotypes are to be used to highlight an official company name on printed materials, signboards and other items. Display it as separately as possible from characters, figures and other elements in order to increase its recognizability.

Examples of prohibited uses of a company logotype

1. Insertion of a line break into a company logotype
2. Non-standard color representation of a company logotype

  • Revision to the Guidelines
    DAIFUKU VI Manual Ver. 7.0 prohibits the combination of the DAIFUKU logo and company logo typefaces as a signature.

Conceptual images of layouts

  • For the DAIFUKU logo and other related data, use the production data or Microsoft 365 data available from the Download Center.

The Group company indicators are to be used by Group companies to identify themselves as part of the Daifuku Group when they have their own corporate brands.
Falling into two types, the decision on which should be used is made by the relevant global business, which selects the most appropriate indicator based on the Group company's relationship with the Daifuku Group and DAIFUKU brand. For specific designs for printed materials, websites, signboards and other items, contact the Corporate Communications Dept.

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.17

Use the typefaces shown below for creative assets such as websites and pamphlets. Install the font data available from the Download Center.

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.19



Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese


When using the DAIFUKU logo, the types of expression shown below are prohibited in order to maintain the uniformity of the image.

  • This does not apply when using the DAIFUKU logo in a video or as an element of the design. Follow the requirements and contact the Corporate Communications Dept. as needed.

DAIFUKU VI Manual (PDF):P.20

1-1. Alteration of aspect ratio
1-2. Application of perspective
1-3. Rotation
1-4. Changes in the intervals between characters
1-5. Partial omission
1-6. Addition of elements
1-7. Enclosure
1-8. Vertical layout
2-1. Erosion of clear space
2-2. Display within regular text
2-3. Use as a background
2-4. Addition of shadows
(This does not apply to the creation of signs and related items)
2-5. Display in non-standard colors
2-6. Application of a background or frame over an image
2-7. White outline
2-8. Backgrounds impairing recognition
3-1. Combination with the company logotype
3-2. Combination with the text "Co., Ltd."
3-3. Combination with a product name
3-4. Combination with a place or regional name
3-5. Combination with an office or plant name
3-6. Combination with a message or phrase other than the brand message
3-7. Non-standard combination with a business segment name
3-8. Combination with a Group company logo